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泉源:/ 宣布时间:日期:2023-03-07 0
一样平常自然气管线的埋设有须要要设置管道标记桩、燃气标记桩、地埋式警示带、警示标记块。之前的自然气管线虽然有埋设 ,但由于间距大、标识不明晰 ,让人很难区分出下面埋设的是自然气管线 ,以是经常泛起自然气管线被挖断的事务。以是针对这一征象 ,
It is necessary to set pipeline marker piles, gas marker piles, buried warning tapes and warning marker blocks for the burial of general natural gas pipelines. Although the previous natural gas pipeline was buried, it is difficult to distinguish the buried natural gas pipeline due to the large spacing and unclear identification, so the natural gas pipeline is often cut. So in view of this phenomenon,
对旧自然气管线的刷新力度和新建自然气管线上的埋设速率 ,在制造时特殊注重挑选自然气的标记性黄色 ,上面标有管道类型、公司名称、举报电话、管径和桩号 ,让人看到后就很清晰地下管线的埋设状态。一起通过举报电话让每个市民都可以加入到自然气管线的羁系中来。
For the reconstruction of the old natural gas pipeline and the burial speed of the new natural gas pipeline, special attention should be paid to the selection of the symbolic yellow color of natural gas during the manufacture, which is marked with the pipeline type, company name, reporting telephone number, pipe diameter and stake number, so that people can see clearly the burial status of the underground pipeline. Let every citizen participate in the supervision of natural gas pipelines through the reporting telephone.
自然气现在已经成为人们生涯必需品 ,它的运用越来越多。随着运用的普遍 ,传输自然气的管道也越来越多 ,许多管道扑朔迷离 ,对管道的;ず腿嗣堑拇词执蟮囊患。
Natural gas has now become a necessity of people's life, and its use is increasing. With the wide application, more and more pipelines are used to transmit natural gas. Many pipelines are complicated and confusing, which brings great hidden dangers to the protection of pipelines and people's safety.
自然气始于西气东输 ,西气东输是已往十年的民生工程之一 ,在一、二线工程建成后 ,只有云南、福建、澳门和台湾没有用上自然气 ,仅一、二线工程沿线 ,就有4亿人用上了从西部和境外送来的自然气 ,很少有工程能够让云云多的国民获益。云云大的工程 ,所运用的管道十分多 ,为了确保自然气管道的以及以后施工的便当 ,那么就需要一种标记来区分它们。这种标识就是燃气标记桩 ,一样平常装置在管道上方 ,一样平常间距50米需埋设一根燃气标记桩 ,分支口拐角处都需埋设。桩体一样平常会注明:下有燃气管道 ,施工单位电话和管道走向等信息。
Natural gas started from the West-East Gas Pipeline, which is one of the largest livelihood projects in the past decade. After the completion of the first and second line projects, only Yunnan, Fujian, Macao and Taiwan have not used natural gas. Only along the first and second line projects, 400 million people have used natural gas from the west and abroad. Few projects can benefit so many people. Such a large project uses a lot of pipelines. In order to ensure the safety of natural gas pipelines and the convenience of future construction, a sign is needed to distinguish them. This kind of sign is the gas marker pile, which is generally installed above the pipeline. Generally, a gas marker pile needs to be buried at a distance of 50 meters, and the corner of the branch needs to be buried. Generally, the pile body will be marked with the following information: gas pipeline, telephone number of the construction unit and pipeline direction.
玻璃钢燃气标记桩 ,它不但具有古板标记桩的种种优点 ,且补足了古板标记桩的缺乏 ,尚有许多古板标记桩所没有的优点 ,如强度特殊高、终身免;ぁ⒅亓壳帷⒗於群谩⒛颓质础⒃擞檬倜ぁ⒁子谧爸煤驮耸洹⒎赖恋 ,且玻璃钢燃气标记桩切合的要求 ,习惯未来的生长需要 ,并能凭证客户的要求妄想制造。
The FRP gas marker pile not only has the advantages of the traditional marker pile, but also complements the disadvantages of the traditional marker pile. There are many advantages that the traditional marker pile does not have, such as high strength, lifelong protection, light weight, good tensile strength, corrosion resistance, long service life, easy installation and transportation, anti-theft, etc. The FRP gas marker pile meets the national environmental protection requirements and is used to the future development needs, And can plan and manufacture according to customer requirements.
有了燃气警示带上面的小总结 ,希望对宽大客户有所资助 ,若是有什么不明确的或者追求资助的请点击我们的网站:或者来电咨询 ,我们会尽全力为您
With the summary above the gas warning tape, I hope it can help our customers. If you have any questions or need help, please click our website: Or call for consultation, and we will do our best to solve it for you

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